Government IP Forms
Need a government form to file electronically or in paper form?
Patent Forms: General Form Listing | All Fillable PDFs | Web Fillable PDFs (PTO Preferred) | Electronic Petitions | File Forms On-Line
Trademark Forms: TEAS – On-Line Fillable Forms
Copyright Forms: Copyright PDF Forms
**Make sure you know how to save fillable PDFs and web-filleable forms before attempting to fill out or you’ll lose all of your information!**
MBV Client Submission Forms
Providing your patent attorney with complete and accurate information is key to obtaining the best legal advice possible. To help us assist you better, please complete the appropriate forms as completely and accurately as possible. Please include any questions or concerns that you may have in the additional space provided or attach additional sheets as necessary.* Before submitting confidential information, please contact us so that we may perform a conflict check to ensure that there is no conflict (for example) with an existing client.*
For each inventor and/or client, we need a Client Information Form. This form requests preliminary information that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office may require as well as contact information so we can be in touch. All submissions are considered confidential.
We will also need as much information about your IP related matter as possible. If you’re unsure about what kind of protection you’ll need then please read our Overview to help you decide.
If you are interested in Patents, please download and return* the Invention Disclosure Form.
If you are interested in Trademarks, please download and return* the Trademark Disclosure Form.
If you are interested in Copyrights, please download and return* the Copyright Disclosure Form.
If you have any questions please contact us.